Please be careful and double check everything you place in here for it is what will be placed in the Legal Documents as it is placed in here.
For the Land Patent
Name of Land Owner(s):
Mailing Address street, number:
City, State, [zipcode]:
Phone number:
Fax number:
Email Address:
Skype Name:
Name of County land is in:
The County Information of where the land is:
Name of State land is in:
Name of County Office land is in:
Name of County Officer:
Name and Title of Officer:
Mailing address of County Office:
Phone Number of County Land Office:
Fax for County Land Office:
Email for County Land Office:
Land Information Needed
township #(s), Range #(s), Section #(S), merk, aliquatm meets and bounds
please recheck the information above is correct.
Mail certified copies of deed(s) [Land must me in Human Name Upper and Lower case name ]and Copy of land patent: copy of ASR forum
1395 Columbia Road South #338
Grand Forks, North Dakota state uSA [58201]
Main Office Processing Fee - $150.00
Completing Paperwork and mailings - $250.00
[Includes filling out all documents and mailing]
Secretary of State – Appostille $80.00
[Appostille will be recorded in Republic Records Bureau]
Recording in Republic Records Bureau $150.00
[Includes recording, returning originals to client and mailing notice to county by registered mail and recording fees]
1st phase only $305 2nd phase only $325 Total $630.00
Date of Deed signed:
Name of Tax assessor:
Tax assessor Address:
tax assessor city state zip:
Tax Assessor Phone:
Tax Assessor Fax Number:
cell phone or other phone:
Owner(s) full upper and lower case name (Grantee):
Owner #1 full upper and lower case name (Grantee):
Owner #2 full upper and lower case name (Grantee):
Owner(s) as original name (Grantor):
Owner #1 as original name name (Grantor):
Owner #2 as original name name (Grantor):
Deed Number (Recording):
Land Patent Date:
Application/Certificate #s:
meets and bounds is to start at one point and walk around the whole property, Say section 12 ne corner go south 2680 feet East 2680 feet North 2680 feet west 2680 feet